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Senior Information

This page will be updated as new information is available. 


Graduation -

Monday, June 10th at 6:30pm at the Chiles Center located at the University of Portland Campus. 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203

Important Dates -

June 10th - Graduation Ceremony 

June 6th - Last Day for Seniors

June 7th - Senior Assembly

April 1st & 2nd:  Announcement/Cap & Gown Delivery

November 1st - Senior Photo Deadline (see info below for details)

October 19th & 20th:  Senior ELA class presentations

October 25th& 26th: Senior Order Pick-Ups (Both Lunches)


Junior Dates

September 15th: Presentation following Assembly (ring/letterman jacket information)

September 21st:  Junior Order Pick-Ups (Both Lunches)

The Clackamas HS Course Catalog

The Clackamas High School Course Catalog is a document including information regarding: academic policies, Advanced Placement (AP) and college credit classes, diploma types, and course descriptions. This catalog will help assist students in their course selections and help with planning their high school educational path and beyond.

Senior Photos Due November 1st

It’s time to start planning your Senior Photos for the 2025 Clackamas High School Yearbook. It is not required to have a private professional take your senior portrait, however, you do need to submit a headshot that meets our specifications and the deadline to be in the senior section of the book. If you do not submit a photo, your school photo will be used. Headshots taken on a good quality cell phone camera are fine also, reach out to friends or family members to take your portrait. We do not want to leave anyone out!

Please follow the specifications below and submit by November 1st.  Change the file name from a number to the seniors First_Lastname and upload your photo on the Jostens Website. Please do not email photos as they can get lost in the Spam folder.

Image specifications:

  • Must be a valid JPG image 
  • Minimum 2.25” wide, 3” height, and 300 dpi preferred. 
  • Must be in color

Portrait Specifications: 

  • Headshot only
  • No props, hoods/hats, writing on shirts/jackets, pets, or hands, etc.
  • Front facing photos look best.
  • Clothing must fit school dress code guidelines.

It is the student’s responsibility to have portrait requirements met. You should receive confirmation from Jostens that your upload went through. If the photo does not meet our specifications you will be contacted by and will have 2 weeks to make the correction and resubmit.

If hiring a professional photographer, please take this form with you to your photography session. It will help your photographer to understand the requirements. 

It's time to order your 2025 yearbook. We encourage you to order your Yearbook early. We can not guarantee we will receive extras and last year we sold out! Yearbooks are $55.00 and will be available for purchase after August 1 at the Web store or in person at the bookkeepers window.

2025 Recognition Ads can be pre-purchased online at Jostens starting August 1st.

Recognition ads are an optional dedication from the family to their senior and may include a note to the student with pictures. Families upload photos and purchase the ads on the jostens website, however the yearbook staff has the option to alter the layout to align with the design or theme of the book.
They can be created and purchased at for $35 for ⅛ page ad, $80 for a ¼ page ad, $155 1/2 page and $250 for a full page ad. These are due JAN 31st.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.


The Lance Yearbook Staff