Counselor's Role
Contact the teacher directly if:
Your student's problems involve academic performance in a specific class. Teachers can be accessed by calling the staff access line at 503-353-5810 or their email address can be found on the CHS website.
The situation with a particular class or teacher remains unresolved, contact the counselor for consultation.
Teachers can be accessed by calling the staff access line at 503 353-5750 or their email addresses are in Adrienne C. Nelson Website under About Us - Staff Directory.
If the situation remains unresolved, contact the counselor for consultation.
Parents can check grades by going to ParentVUE.
Contact/access your counselor if:
There are attendance, academic, social/emotional concerns.
You need guidance around academic and/or college planning.
You need help problem-solving and/or do not know who else to ask to help.
Other Forms of Assistance:
Students can meet with teachers before or after school upon arrangement with the teacher.
After school tutoring is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00 pm in room 306. An activity bus can take students home at 5:00pm.
Students can access the school social worker or student engagement specialist as needed for social and emotional support.
Students can be referred to a mental health therapist through their school counselor.
How can you help?
Ask to see their homework. Give them honest feedback.
Help them set up a consistent "homework time" and provide them with a place to study.
Help them organize their notebooks and assignments. Check over weekly.
Encourage them to get involved in activities at CHS. Students in sports and activities are often more successful academically.
Get to know their friends.
Set clear boundaries and expectations for their behavior.
Follow through on consequences.
Allow them to make some decisions for themselves.
Give them encouragement and positive feedback when they show you responsible behaviors and decision-making skills.
Choose your battles. Decide what's really important to you as a parent and be flexible about some of the other issues.